windsurf - freestyle - good vibes - freestyle again - & windsurf

vendredi 8 avril 2011


... No Way this one is probably the best event's trailer we have ever seen, thanks to the PERTUSATO LAND FILM and their crazy minds for creating such an amazing clip...

Just watch 'n Enjoy ...

The Freestyle Project 2011, Bonifacio Windsurf from PertusatoFilms on Vimeo.

Oh and have a look over there too

mercredi 6 avril 2011


A new sponsor for the  BW FREESTYLE PROJECT V.2, the super famous surfwear brand OXBOW has just entered the event ...

...If you wanna see some crazy action stay tuned on their OXBOW RIDE THE SKY

Thanks to them again and can't wait to see the action ruled by our rider on the lagoon of piantarella once again